Wood Seats Weather Forecast
- 7
- 11
- 3
- 13
Partly cloudy
- 5
- 14
- 3
- 14
Sunny day
- 3
- 15
Sunny day
- 5
- 16
Sunny day
Today 29 Mar Yorkshire and Humber
A cold but bright start to the day with increasing cloud and strong winds from the northwest. Patchy rain arriving into the Pennines by the evening. Maximum Temperature 12C.
Wood Seats Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Bingley Samos (46km)
Lowest 19 March, 2025
-3 °CAverage March
6.2 °CHighest 20 March, 2025
15.8 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Bingley Samos (46km)
Average Low 2020–2025
6.3 °CAverage 2020–2025
9.2 °CAverage High 2020–2025
12.3 °C