Reighton Gap Weather Forecast
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Today 18 Jan Yorkshire and Humber
Most places will be dry but cloudy today. However, the cloud may gradually thin and break to allow some sunny spells to develop, these most likely across North Yorkshire. Winds generally light. Feeling cold. Maximum Temperature 4C.
Tonight 18 Jan Yorkshire and Humber
Remaining predominantly cloudy, with perhaps a little drizzle or snow grains in places. If any cloud breaks occur, most likely in the west, then a slight frost will develop. Minimum Temperature -2C.
Reighton Gap Temperature Statistics
January Temperature
Bridlington Mrsc (10km)
Lowest 9 January, 2025
-3 °CAverage January
2.6 °CHighest 15 January, 2025
10.9 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Bridlington Mrsc (10km)
Take a look at our website widgetsAvailable free! Find Out MoreAverage Low 2020–2025
7.6 °CAverage 2020–2025
10.5 °CAverage High 2020–2025
13.5 °C