Scunthorpe Weather Forecast
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- 15
Partly cloudy
- 4
- 15
Sunny day
- 4
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Sunny day
- 4
- 14
Sunny day
- 4
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Sunny day
- 5
- 13
Sunny day
Today 29 Mar Yorkshire and Humber
A cold but bright start to the day. Then becoming cloudy across the region, with mainly light rain reaching the Pennines by this evening. Becoming breezy, with temperatures close to average. Maximum Temperature 12C.
Tonight 29 Mar Yorkshire and Humber
Cloudy this evening with outbreaks of light rain and drizzle, also hill fog. Overnight dry conditions with broken cloud and clear spells arrive. Staying windy, and milder than Friday night. Minimum Temperature 6C.
Scunthorpe Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Leconfield Sar (34km)
Lowest 1 March, 2025
-3.7 °CAverage March
6.7 °CHighest 27 March, 2025
18 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Leconfield Sar (34km)
Average Low 2020–2025
6.9 °CAverage 2020–2025
10.5 °CAverage High 2020–2025
14.1 °C