Sutton Heath Weather Forecast
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Sunny day
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Sunny day
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Today 13 Jan North West England
The south and east will see some early brightness, but on the whole a rather cloudy day is expected. Patchy light rain in the north and west, developing more widely later, and turning locally heavy. Milder than recently, though windy. Maximum Temperature 7C.
Tonight 13 Jan North West England
Mainly cloudy overnight with some rain at times, this persistent in places this evening, but turning lighter and more intermittent later in the night. Milder than of late and staying generally frost-free. Breezy at first, but winds gradually easing later. Minimum Temperature 4C.
Sutton Heath Temperature Statistics
January Temperature
Crosby (21km)
Lowest 9 January, 2025
-4.8 °CAverage January
2.3 °CHighest 1 January, 2025
9.1 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Crosby (21km)
Take a look at our website widgetsAvailable free! Find Out MoreAverage Low 2020–2025
8.3 °CAverage 2020–2025
11.2 °CAverage High 2020–2025
14 °C