Derry Weather Forecast
Light rain shower
59EglintonLight rain shower
39ClaudyLight rain shower
- Altnagelvin
- Ardmore
- Campsey
- Carnanreagh
- City of Derry Eglinton Airport
- Claudy
- Coshquin
- Cross
- Cross Derry
- Culmore
- Drumahoe
- Drumahoe Derry
- Eglinton
- Ervey Cross Roads
- Killaloo
- Lettershendony
- Lisglass
- Lisnagelvin
- Londonderry
- Lough Foyle--Longfield Bank
- Magheramason
- Maydown
- New Buildings
- Park
- Pennyburn
- Prehen
- River Foyle--Craigavon Bridge
- River Foyle--Culmore Point
- River Foyle--Foyle Bridge
- River Foyle--Lisahally
- River Foyle--Lisnakelly
- River Foyle--Londonderry
- River Foyle--Peace Bridge
- River Foyle--River Faughan Entrance
- River Foyle Entrance
- Rosemount
- Shantallow
- St Columbs Park
- Straidarran
- Strathfoyle
- The Bolies
- The Collon
- The Cross
- Tullyally
- Upper Dreen
- Waterside