North Hart Weather Forecast
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
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Partly cloudy
Today 26 Mar North East England
Early morning low cloud and fog will slowly lift and clear to leave a fine day, with some lengthy spells of sunshine. Feeling warm in the sunshine. Generally light winds, but turning breezier across the Pennines later in the day. Maximum Temperature 17C.
Tonight 26 Mar North East England
After a fine end to the day, it will turn increasingly cloudy overnight, with some patchy drizzle likely over the Pennines. Drier elsewhere, with occasional clear spells. Windy and milder. Minimum Temperature 4C.
North Hart Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Loftus (Samos) (31km)
Lowest 19 March, 2025
-0.9 °CAverage March
6.4 °CHighest 8 March, 2025
16 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Loftus (Samos) (31km)
Average Low 2020–2025
6.8 °CAverage 2020–2025
9.5 °CAverage High 2020–2025
12.5 °C