Hamsterley (County Durham) Weather Forecast
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Light rain
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Light rain
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Today 8 Feb North East England
Cloudy throughout with hill fog and spells of mainly light rain, this falling as sleet or snow over the high ground. Winds falling light, but still feeling cold. Maximum Temperature 6C.
Tonight 8 Feb North East England
Cloudy with spells of mostly light rain, perhaps falling as sleet or snow over high ground, and hill fog. Breezy along the coast, light winds inland. Minimum Temperature 2C.
Hamsterley (County Durham) Temperature Statistics
February Temperature
Albemarle (38km)
Lowest 6 February, 2025
-1 °CAverage February
4.4 °CHighest 3 February, 2025
10.6 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Albemarle (38km)
Average Low 2020–2025
5.7 °CAverage 2020–2025
9.1 °CAverage High 2020–2025
12.7 °C