Dumfries Weather Forecast
- 8
- 13
Partly cloudy
- 9
- 12
- 7
- 15
- 6
- 15
Sunny day
- 3
- 9
- 2
- 8
Today 6 Mar South West Scotland and Lothian Borders
Dry for much of the day with some sunny spells, best of these in the east. Outbreaks of rain will spread northeast from late afternoon into the evening. Maximum Temperature 11C.
Dumfries Temperature Statistics
March Temperature
Eskdalemuir (36km)
Lowest 2 March, 2025
-1.5 °CAverage March
5.7 °CHighest 3 March, 2025
9.3 °C
Climate (2020–Present)
Eskdalemuir (36km)
Average Low 2020–2025
4.6 °CAverage 2020–2025
8.2 °CAverage High 2020–2025
11.7 °C